Title: A Fate Inked In Blood
Author: Danielle L. Jensen
Audience: Romance / Adult Fantasy / Mythology
Page Count: 414
ISBN: 9780593599839
Publisher: Del Ray
Series: Book 1
This review contains no spoilers.
A Fate Inked In Blood starts off with Fraya who is bound to an unwanted marriage. She was not happy in this marriage at all. She described her husband as an arrogant ass, a hero at once who has now become a power-hungry villain. He ends up betraying her and forcing her to fight to the death which forces her hand to show that she is the maiden. The maiden is extremely sought after. Some want to use her to make them king of everyone and others want her dead.
This was a book I went into knowing nothing about and I really enjoyed some aspect of it. I really liked the Viking vibe; it portrayed the characters rough around the edges and very hardened. I liked that it was a fast passed book, it didn't linger on problems or keep referring back to certain incidents. I really enjoyed the slow burn love interest and the bantering between them. As for the flow of the book, I didn't feel like I got stuck, however it is predictable. But that didn't bother me in this book. Fraya got to see her family in a different light and even though it was a negative view, her character changed and grew as well, and I like that her view started to change.
Some things I really didn't care for in this book was the way the arranged marriages were portrayed. It seemed to me that marriage meant owning the person, so the best way to control someone is to marry them. There was also the fact that Fraya, the Maiden, was forced into these marriages because her family was being used as leverage. There was no real connection to the characters; like if something bad happens, I didn't feel heartbreak for her. Also the way the wars were more like small battles.
I thought this book was a stand alone which really drew me in to reading it but it's not, and I'm not disappointed about that. I am excited for when the second book comes out. However there is a pretty good cliff hanger at the end so if you don't care for cliffhangers wait until the second book comes out!
A Fate Inked In Blood Book Review Ratings and Recommendation
Rating: 3/5
Recommended: I would recommend this if you are looking for a quick easy read.
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