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The Book Peddler

Cinder Book Review

Cinder Book Cover

Title: Cinder

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Audience: Young Adult

Page Count: 5448

Author: Marissa Meyer

ISBN: 978-0312641894

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Series: The Lunar Chronicles Book: 1 of 6

This review does not contain spoilers.

Melissa Meyer’s Cinder launches readers into a futuristic reimagining of a Grimm Brother's classic, set in a world where cyborgs, plagues, and magic collide. This dystopian retelling serves as a compelling introduction to the Lunar Chronicles, a series that only deepens and expands its universe with every turn of the page.

While some plot points may feel familiar, Meyer strikes a near-perfect balance of action, mystery, fantasy, and romance, keeping readers hooked from start to finish. Her world-building is immersive, and she skillfully overcomes the challenge of introducing a new fantasy world, laying a strong foundation for the rest of the series. Most impressively, Meyer manages to conclude Cinder in a way that leaves readers eager for the next installment without feeling unfinished. Look forward to continuing Cinder’s perilous journey in Scarlet, where she not only faces new dangers and allies, but also uncovers deeper secrets about herself and the looming conflict, as she fights to save a world on the brink of war and unravel the mysteries threatening to tear it apart.

Cinder Book Review Ratings and Recommendation

Rating: 4/5

Recommended: Yes

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